Friendly & Fun Children's Dentist in Gisborne

We provide dentistry services for children that are fun and friendly. Our children’s dentists help your child form excellent dental habits and behaviours for life.

At Gisborne Family Dental, we ensure your children learn positive, routine dental behaviours that stay with them for life. Dentistry services for children at young ages plays a vital role, helping your child form excellent dental habits and behaviours.

Experienced Pediatric Dentist

Our pediatric dentists will put your children first and make sure they’re well looked after and enjoy their experience at Gisborne Family Dental. It’s never too early to begin teaching your little ones correct oral hygiene. From when their first teeth start to come through as babies and into their toddler years, we encourage parents to help your kids brush and floss their teeth, all while making it fun.

Is dentistry for children even important if they still have baby teeth?

Yes, finding a child friendly dentist is important, even if we are simply looking at their baby teeth. Why? 

If your child’s baby teeth need to be removed because of decay which causes pain, your child’s teeth can move which creates less space for the adult teeth to come through. This can lead to so many dental problems as a teenager. Be prepared to say hello to braces

Good oral hygiene and regular dental check ups for your child is a crucial aspect of growing up!

Teach your kids good dental hygiene like brushing twice a day but remember they only need a pea sized amount of toothpaste, and don’t let them eat it! 

Is your child scared of their pediatric dentist?

Here at Gisborne Family Dental, we provide dentistry for children and the whole family – it’s right there in our name! 

We believe a child’s oral health is critical to their overall wellbeing and a trip to the dentist for your child to have a check up should be a normal and fun part of growing up! We are a child friendly clinic with specialised pediatric dentists.

We like to become a regular part of your family life, so we recommend bringing children to one of our friendly pediatric dentists as young as 18 month old. This is the perfect age as they become familiar with our dentists, our clinic and what we do, so they know it’s not a scary place to be!  

You need to form the important habit of regular dental check ups when your children are young. Our children’s dentists help your child form excellent dental habits and behaviours for life so they don’t end up in our chair for major problems later in life!

At Gisborne Family Dental, your children will learn positive, oral health routines that stay with them for life. Dentistry services for children at young ages plays a vital role, helping your child form excellent dental habits and behaviours.

Do lollies actually affect your kid’s dental health?

To put their dental health off to a good start, your kids need a healthy and balanced diet made up of fresh foods such as vegetables, fruit, cheese and lean meats. 

There is such a thing as too many lollies (believe it or not!) so we recommend you keep high-sugar treats to a minimum. And yes, that includes sweet drinks like juice and your kids’ beloved cola. 

Are you looking for an experienced children’s dentist in Gisborne?

Our children’s dentists will put you and your family first. We make sure you’re well looked after and your kids enjoy their experience at Gisborne Family Dental. 

It’s never too early to begin teaching your little ones correct oral hygiene. From when their first teeth start to come through as babies, we encourage you to help your kids brush and floss their teeth, all while making it fun.

We can help your whole family achieve the smile you want.

Contact us and find out what one of our pediatric dentists is right for you.


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Morbi ac nisl at est imperdiet elementum nec in tortor. Donec et blandit enim. Suspendisse velit enim, ullamcorper ac ornare nec, aliquam et lectus. Donec consectetur risus id tortor congue ullamcorper. Donec congue bibendum nibh sed tincidunt. Maecenas porttitor libero vel rutrum convallis. Quisque nec dui nisi. Sed gravida nulla ut velit malesuada vulputate. Mauris convallis nulla at purus porta, nec aliquet ex mollis. Quisque vitae felis posuere, pretium ligula sed, blandit mi. Vestibulum laoreet, diam et semper ultricies, metus mauris commodo ex, sit amet auctor nisi velit in neque. Morbi ac augue ac ipsum rutrum vestibulum vitae id urna. Nam eget iaculis purus. Ut molestie tristique fermentum.
Morbi ac nisl at est imperdiet elementum nec in tortor. Donec et blandit enim. Suspendisse velit enim, ullamcorper ac ornare nec, aliquam et lectus. Donec consectetur risus id tortor congue ullamcorper. Donec congue bibendum nibh sed tincidunt. Maecenas porttitor libero vel rutrum convallis. Quisque nec dui nisi. Sed gravida nulla ut velit malesuada vulputate. Mauris convallis nulla at purus porta, nec aliquet ex mollis. Quisque vitae felis posuere, pretium ligula sed, blandit mi. Vestibulum laoreet, diam et semper ultricies, metus mauris commodo ex, sit amet auctor nisi velit in neque. Morbi ac augue ac ipsum rutrum vestibulum vitae id urna. Nam eget iaculis purus. Ut molestie tristique fermentum.
Morbi ac nisl at est imperdiet elementum nec in tortor. Donec et blandit enim. Suspendisse velit enim, ullamcorper ac ornare nec, aliquam et lectus. Donec consectetur risus id tortor congue ullamcorper. Donec congue bibendum nibh sed tincidunt. Maecenas porttitor libero vel rutrum convallis. Quisque nec dui nisi. Sed gravida nulla ut velit malesuada vulputate. Mauris convallis nulla at purus porta, nec aliquet ex mollis. Quisque vitae felis posuere, pretium ligula sed, blandit mi. Vestibulum laoreet, diam et semper ultricies, metus mauris commodo ex, sit amet auctor nisi velit in neque. Morbi ac augue ac ipsum rutrum vestibulum vitae id urna. Nam eget iaculis purus. Ut molestie tristique fermentum.
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