Tooth Extraction Specialists in Gisborne

If you need a tooth extraction, it is like having to drink a very bitter medicine. It’s not pleasant, but it is necessary to get you out of pain and for your long term health.

At Gisborne Family Dental we have a very preventative approach to our care, however there are times where a removal of a tooth is unavoidable.

If your tooth is damaged or decayed beyond repair, we may need to remove it. When this is required, we aim to make your tooth extraction a safe, painless and controlled procedure. This also minimises the risk of complications after, ensuring a speedy healing process, and leaves you with only a positive experience.

Do I really need a tooth removal?

A tooth may be too broken or infected to be saved and can present a danger to the rest of your mouth or body. It could also be simply causing you too much pain.

At your examination phase, we may take x-rays and images to help us plan thoroughly, so that the tooth removal procedure goes as smoothly as possible, and we’re able to mitigate challenges that may arise during your tooth extraction healing.

Modern anaesthetic techniques are also very effective at ensuring you are not feeling pain during the tooth extraction procedure, and our team always ensures that you’re comfortable and looked after all throughout.

As an alternative, we also have sleep dentistry available, in order to make a complex tooth removal procedure so much more pleasant, as you will often have no memory of it.

We can help you achieve the smile you want.

Contact us and find out if a tooth extraction is right for you.


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Morbi ac nisl at est imperdiet elementum nec in tortor. Donec et blandit enim. Suspendisse velit enim, ullamcorper ac ornare nec, aliquam et lectus. Donec consectetur risus id tortor congue ullamcorper. Donec congue bibendum nibh sed tincidunt. Maecenas porttitor libero vel rutrum convallis. Quisque nec dui nisi. Sed gravida nulla ut velit malesuada vulputate. Mauris convallis nulla at purus porta, nec aliquet ex mollis. Quisque vitae felis posuere, pretium ligula sed, blandit mi. Vestibulum laoreet, diam et semper ultricies, metus mauris commodo ex, sit amet auctor nisi velit in neque. Morbi ac augue ac ipsum rutrum vestibulum vitae id urna. Nam eget iaculis purus. Ut molestie tristique fermentum.
Morbi ac nisl at est imperdiet elementum nec in tortor. Donec et blandit enim. Suspendisse velit enim, ullamcorper ac ornare nec, aliquam et lectus. Donec consectetur risus id tortor congue ullamcorper. Donec congue bibendum nibh sed tincidunt. Maecenas porttitor libero vel rutrum convallis. Quisque nec dui nisi. Sed gravida nulla ut velit malesuada vulputate. Mauris convallis nulla at purus porta, nec aliquet ex mollis. Quisque vitae felis posuere, pretium ligula sed, blandit mi. Vestibulum laoreet, diam et semper ultricies, metus mauris commodo ex, sit amet auctor nisi velit in neque. Morbi ac augue ac ipsum rutrum vestibulum vitae id urna. Nam eget iaculis purus. Ut molestie tristique fermentum.
Morbi ac nisl at est imperdiet elementum nec in tortor. Donec et blandit enim. Suspendisse velit enim, ullamcorper ac ornare nec, aliquam et lectus. Donec consectetur risus id tortor congue ullamcorper. Donec congue bibendum nibh sed tincidunt. Maecenas porttitor libero vel rutrum convallis. Quisque nec dui nisi. Sed gravida nulla ut velit malesuada vulputate. Mauris convallis nulla at purus porta, nec aliquet ex mollis. Quisque vitae felis posuere, pretium ligula sed, blandit mi. Vestibulum laoreet, diam et semper ultricies, metus mauris commodo ex, sit amet auctor nisi velit in neque. Morbi ac augue ac ipsum rutrum vestibulum vitae id urna. Nam eget iaculis purus. Ut molestie tristique fermentum.
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